What is EMO?

"Normally a 15-17 year old teenager. Considers themselves to be much more in touch with their emotions than anyone else; whereas they really just feel sorry for themselves. Most emo's will claim to be depressed, or simply misunderstood. They think they are unique, and fail to realise that they actually look like half the teenage population of south England. You can recognise an emo by looking for these general characteristics: SKINNY JEANS (both boys and girls) The tighter the better. If an emo can hardly walk because of their jeans, then they've reached optimum emo status. STRIPEY JUMPERS. Normally black and grey. If you're a boy, this should again be worn as tightly as possible. Breathing comfortably is a luxury you may have to sacrifice. TATTY CONVERSE. Usually drawn on, as most emo's regard themselves as artists. BLACK LONG HAIR COVERING ONE SIDE OF YOUR FACE. Vision can be compromised for style as an emo. Try and make it as greasy as possible. Finally, emo's MUST look down on everyone else, accuse them of being uncreative, judgemental, and the sole cause of their 'depression'. If you're a hardcore emo you'll cut yourself occasionally. If you're not, then you at least have to pretend you do."
What is Emo?
"Genre of soft core punk music that integrates unenthusiastic melodramatic 17 year old who don't smile, high pitched overwrought lyrics and inaudible guitar rifts with tight wool sweaters, tighter jeans, itchy scarfs (even in the summer), ripped chucks with favorite bands signature, black square rimmed glasses, and ebony greasy unwashed hair that is required to cover at least 3/5 th's of the face at an angle. "
I don't really know what Emo is.
I am just as confused as the next person. I do feel that they are made fun of frequently and that they are looked down upon. I have never really heard anyone say anything good about Emo. I will leave you with this video that gives a parody of what the world defines Emo as...........
wow, I can't believe how insain this is. It's so awesome to see such a controversy!
I agree, The video was crazy! You should make sure you watch the video. Nice blog tho!!!
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